27 February 2013

Ladies of the Copper Country - Vintage Photographs


Well I hope you're surviving the winter....there can't be too many more months of it, right?

I haven't posted since Valentine's Day, mostly because my less than a year old computer's operating system crashed. After spending what seems like countless hours on the phone with tech support, I'm finally back up and running.

Now that I have something to plug my camera's card reader into, I'm back to my old tricks. ;-)

There is something about old photographs....I never tire of looking at them and wondering about the lives of the people in them.

These photos came from local estates. They're one of those things that often don't sell. I can't bear to see them thrown away, which means I have lots of them.

The woman on the right is handsome, don't you think? She looks 'well-bred' and likely is from a family with money. She might even be college educated. So elegant!

The young lady on the left is probably an immigrant. When I zoomed in on her shoes they looked quite worn. Her pose is so relaxed.

She is a beautiful woman. I imagine with her hair unbraided she'd look like a nymph in the forest.

I love this image; it reminds me of National Velvet. This girl looks like a princess. Why do you suppose she's wearing a glove on her right hand?

Have you ever seen more perfect bangs? She too has that sweet look of innocence.

Thanks for looking!

Here's wishing you all a lovely day....Friday is the 1st of March. Hopefully, Spring is not far behind.

~ Diane



  1. I absolutely adore the old photographs...they are the first thing I usually go towards in an antique store. Breaks my heart that relatives parted with them, somewhere along the way. These are beautiful - OK, and one handsome one! Happy Wednesday - Tanya

    1. Tanya,
      I think part of the deal is the relatives don't know who the people are. Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone wrote a name and date on the back of each photo? Sadly, I too have old family photos and don't know who the people are. They could be relatives or friends or whomever.....
      Think Spring!

  2. I hope your right on the spring thing!!! I'm looking forward to getting outside! This pictures are wonderful. To me there is always more mystery to pictures from these time periods. Why do you think that is??? Maybe it is the expressions...whatever the reason they really draw you in. Lovely finds!

  3. Spring just has to just around the corner, hey.. ,,my fingers are crossed.. The photos are a real treasure and most interesting. Hugs judy

  4. Those photos from the past are so lovely. Such a shame that they didn't stay in the family but at least they are treasured and loved by you. I do wonder what those ladies would have to say about their lives. Would be very interesting if pictures could really talk. Hope you have a fabulous day. March already. Hard to believe. Best wishes, Tammy
