04 December 2011

Silent Snow

Holy wah! Would you believe that yesterday I was running around in sandals? Seriously. There was no snow on the ground. This is what I awoke to this morning.

I think what I like most about snow is that it is so quiet. While I was sleeping, my world silently transformed into Winter Wonderland.

Before sunrise, on my way to stoke the fire in the woodboiler, everything feels Clean. Fresh. Pure. An illusion, but still, a moment to savor.

Tangled strings of Christmas lights in a primitive well bucket cast a celestial glow in the woodshed.

It is a perfect winter morning: Fresh Copper Country air and the crackle of burning logs.


  1. Oh my goodness! I really love this post! It doesn't snow here in Southern California {Los Angeles}, unless you specifically go to the mountains...which I don't do, unfortunately. So I have always dreamt of a "White Christmas," and these images just conjure up those little thoughts of enjoying Christmas looking out into the snow! You are so lucky!!! Thank you so much for such a delightful post. :) Hugs & Happy Holidays to you!


  2. Goodness me, that is indeed a very snowy world you woke up to! With it comes a lot of work, I know, but it does look beautiful!

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog!

    All the best and Merry Christmas!
